MyDealerSoft Sales and F&I

Customer sees you as “One-stop-shop”.
Are you performing up to this level?
Are you making profits at the bottom line?
Your Objectives:
• Telephone or internet leads must be captured immediately. If the prospect shows up, you must have the ability to recall all their previous contact.
• From the time your customer walks in the door until you close the deal, every action must be tightly coordinated.
• All salespersons activities must be assisted and managed by your one integrated platform.
• Deals must be optimized and generate more profitable sales.
• Additional sources of revenue must be generated from Interest Schemes or Commissions. The customer must be persuaded to use your Store to get Finance and Insurance.
Tools provided by MyDealerSoft:
Our car dealer software provides all the tools you need to help you streamline the entire vehicle sales and trade-in process and offer your customer a one stop shop for a profitable experience for both of you.
• Automatically scan your inventory, to find the perfect match for the customer’s needs.
• Automatically scan your older sales leads, to revisit old, lost sales, when new vehicles are added in your stock.
• Integrate sales, finance options and inventories.
• Track all your customer interactions and transactions.
• Set up profitable deal structures.
• Compare deals.
• Streamline your credit processes.
• Provide "quotes"/ proposals,
• Create all the necessary F&I forms—quickly and easily.
• Sell more add-on products with easy access to warranty, insurance, and aftersales products.
Track your Sales Process from the time Prospects show up in your Dealership till they leave as satisfied Customers.

In the end MyDealerSoft will show you the bottom line.
What your profit or loss is. How much you will make out of the whole deal.
This is very important to you because in just one view you will see all the costs associated with the vehicle and all the profits from your deal and from selling associated F&I products.
MyDealerSoft will enhance your ability to desk deals while the customer is sitting in front of you. It will guide you step by step through the deal.
• You will collect customer information easily and only once. If the customer has been in your shop or shops before, all previous information and history will be available to you across locations.
• You will be able to easily create multiple scenarios and calculate multiple payment options for the customer in front of you including all county and state taxes and fees.
• You will be able to calculate one or more trade-ins, add co-buyers, add service contracts and any extra costs.
• For each scenario you will be able to calculate accurately what the gross profit will be for you.
• Then you can evaluate the scenarios and select the options that best meet your customer’s targeted payment and your profit criteria.
• You will be able to give quotes and every quote will be recorded and easily recalled.
• And you will be able to engage your prospects by offering printed proposals.
• All these will be done while reducing errors with constant, automatic updates of vehicle, customer, and deal records.
At the end of the selling process MyDealerSoft will prepare professional quotes or proposals ready for you to print.
The format of the proposals is customizable and you will choose how you want the information to display. Proposals are stored in the customer history for future use and follow ups.
Enjoy Additional sources of revenue from selling Finance and Insurance products to your customers.
• Easy menu - selling functionality for F&I products to enhance your selling process.
• We provide you with a generic credit application form for financing options and we can also set up any custom forms that you need.
• You will be able to add any after-market, warranty and insurances as needed.
• You will present your preferred products and packages to your customer, calculate gross profit for each payment option and rework payments during the sales process.
• At the end the system will prepare proposals and quotes ready for you to print.
• When the deal is closed it will automatically prepare the contract form for laser printing on white paper. No more sorting and loading forms into printers. No more alignment issues.
• Deal, vehicle, customer records and general ledger will be seamlessly and automatically updated.
MyDealerSoft streamlines your forms process and helps you give a more professional impression to your customers.
• The forms guide you through the deal process and let you close it in less time.
• Forms are previewed on your web browser in a “WYSIWYG” mode (“What You See Is What You Get”) so that you can identify possible errors before the actual printing.
• They can be emailed to customers to banks or insurers.
• At the end they are laser-printed on white paper. You forget about alignment issues and loading forms on printers. You need less time for printing.