Work more Efficient & Smart
MyDealerSoft is a car dealer software designed to make your work more efficient and smart. To help you stay on top of your business and make more informed decisions.
It not only covers the traditional DMS functionality as you have known it for the past 20 years, but it goes beyond this, as an extended application platform to give you more power of collaboration with your external business relations. Your Customers and Partners like Banks, Insurers, Suppliers, Credit Bureaus, Accountants, and more.
You will only need one single system, MyDealerSoft, to process all your dealership business transactions. There is no double entry of any event or transaction at any stage. All modules work together in a seamless way and automatically and continuously exchange data and update Deal, Vehicle and Customer records.
With MyDealerSoft you can track sales deals, create "quotes" and convert a prospect into a financed customer using the Finance & Insurance functionality.
All transactions will automatically update the General Ledger.

Real-time access to all data from any screen with links that drill down to any document or record.
Full navigability and connectivity from one screen to another through the use of Hyperlinks.
Real-time general ledger integration with all modules.
Sales department support with our desking and contracting tools that will help you manage prospects, evaluate deal scenarios, access finance options, and present proposals.
Real-time analysis of gross margins.

Creation of window stickers.
Vehicle inventory management and in-depth tracking.
Ready forms for laser printers.
More efficiency of your service department with a broad range of functionality including integrated service appointments, electronic repair orders, service price guide lists, labor time guide lists, and more.
Multi-manufacturer warranty billing capability.
Efficient management of parts inventory.Purchaces and Sales.