24x7 Anywhere Anytime Access
MyDealerSoft is available on the web 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You, your employees, your partners and your customers are actually able to use its functionality with no restriction of geography or time.
Your external Accountants will love it! They can access the whole system from the comfort of their office by just using the browser on their PCs.
You can access your whole business and the reporting from the comfort of your home, from an auction, from a trade show, from your holiday resort.
Your clients may access it as well to schedule service appointments, view offers or order parts and accessories. Your suppliers, Banks, Insurances, may also have online access or you may automate your interfaces with them.
Because all of you have access to one point there will be no double entries, no multiple copies of documents, no data redundancy, no need to integrate data from Excel sheets from one application to another, every day or at the end of each month.
A Cost Effective Solution
You just pay us one fixed price per real - named user and you have all the car dealer software features one click away.
No more fixed costs per year or per month for your software.
No more paying for Hardware, for Operations' payroll and for Licenses.
And if you want to expand your business you pay as you go paying only for as many users you really want to add. You don’t have to purchase more extensive versions of your software.
Real Value to Business
We deliver value to your business since you take advantage of much more expensive and complete software and services at a substantially lower cost, than the one which you would pay with traditional on premise car dealer solutions.
Consider that DMS systems usually need multiple applications that take a lot of integration efforts. Consider also how many servers, security and firewalls, you could afford to run in premises, comparable to the price of our SaaS offering which is predictable and manageable.
Our Commitment
You have peace of mind with a "clear" and effective Service Level Agreement – SLA.
We commit ourselves that you will at all times have the latest release of MyDealerSoft, available up and running.

MyDealerSoft is hosted in a Data Center that complies to all security measures and rules. Your transactions and data are secure.
They are transferred through the Internet with encryption and authentication techniques.
Only authorized users have access to the application. Their authorizations i.e. what they can or cannot do in the system what they can or cannot access, are defined by you – the system administrator- with parameters.
Users have a unique password and we also use strong authentication techniques.
Further, for your security, information about all transactions and accesses to the system are properly logged for your administrators to review.
We are responsible for the safety of your data and we take Back ups on a regular basis according to our service level agreement.
Reduced Operating Costs
Υou don’t have to pay anything for hardware infrastructure (servers, networks, firewalls, etc) , for hardware and software upgrades and new releases.
Since our car dealer software is not installed on your Businesses premises but in a Data Center
You do not need to maintain IT operational skills in-premises for hardware and software maintenance and data backups.